Saturday, August 2, 2014

Some one ought to open up a window!

It is hot! Wasn't I just talking about it cooling off some? Well, it has, but that doesn't change the fact that it is HOT!

Not ten minutes after I published my morning post, people started showing up! A hither-to unheard of occurrence, that I have been assured will happen more frequently! Never fear, Saturdays with the Saints will continue, mostly because there's no reason for it not to. Still, it'd be nice if they gave me a little heads up on what to expect.

I've been considering a move up North. Not because I particularly want to live in an area that gets snow fall every single year, or live with the higher cost of living (last time I was there, gas cost a whole $1 more a gallon, ouch!), but more because my sister is there, and I'd like to be able to get there quickly if she needs me. She describes depression as being like a bad sprain. Most of the time, it just aches, but every now and then, for no reason at all, it flares up and hurts like crazy.

I try my best to help her, but I'm emotionally challenged, so I don't really understand. Depression makes sense to me only in the abstract, the reality is another matter entirely.

It's moved the chaplet up on my list of things to do though. I don't know how much it would help, but I think it might help some.

Strangely, that seems to be my answer for every problem. Make something. Bake cookies, knit a scarf, string a necklace, make something because that will help somehow. I don't know if it does or not, really, but that seems to be my default way of dealing with things.

I've also broken my self-imposed regulation today. In an effort to cut back on soda, I've instituted a rule that says that for every soda I drink I have to drink a 20oz bottle of something else (usually tea, since I'm very finicky about my water). I'll probably get back to it later on, but right now, I just want to enjoy my cold Cherry Coke.

I'm a little excited. The church I had wanted to go to Sunday does have mass on weekdays. It's just before I drove by, and for some reason, not posted outside. I still have to meet with the priest of the other parish (Did I mention how nervous I am?), but it's still nice to know that the other place is an option as well. It's a really pretty little church, from what I could see, and it had a little Marian grotto, which is something I haven't seen in person since I was in Germany.

Of course, I know nothing about Marian grottoes besides what they look like, but hey! That's what I'm trying to learn, right? Well, that, and about 50 million other little things. I'll be honest, the (long-ish) list of blogs I've been following have been quite helpful, even if they don't know it. Many of them are research nerds, which is a great help to little ole me.

The down side is that my book list (which is already very large) has gotten quite a bit longer.

I finished (well, mostly finished) my first sock about an hour ago. I still have to block it (which is something I've never done before) but I'll finish it's partner up first, then worry about blocking it. It turned out pretty well, although I had to alter the pattern slightly, otherwise the sock would have been way too long!

On the whole though, I'm pretty happy with how today has been going.

Also, I'm implementing a new rule right now, so there's no problem down the road. Simply put, no post on Sundays! In an effort to minimize my time spent on the computer and to devote proper attention where it's due, I will not be blogging on Sundays.

So I will see you all again on Monday, dear readers!

Yours always,