Monday, August 11, 2014

A finished chaplet, and a truck load of books

Starting with the first thing, I finally finished the chaplet of St. Dymphna that I was making for my sister.
The picture quality isn't the best, but you can still see it fairly well. I wasn't sure what to use as the center, since the only St. Dymphna center I could find was more than I could afford, so I ended up using a Sacred Heart center. The book My Treasury of Chaplets says "This  chaplet in honor of St. Dymphna is made up of 17 beads, 15 for the 15 years of her life and 2 for the Holy Father's intentions. This chaplet comes in red, white, or green. The red chaplet is recited in honor of her martyrdom, the white in honor of her virginity, and the green for the hope of relief of emotional disorders." 

I'm really hoping it helps her. I mean, I know it's too much to expect her to magically get better because of it, but still. Maybe it can help ground her when she's overwhelmed, you know?

I ordered a bunch of books from Amazon earlier. I think the final count was 7 or 8, not including the four Let Us Keep the Feast books that I bought in the Kindle section (a purchase I lay square at the feet of the Catholic Librarian). Most of the books were Catholic lifestyle and apologetics, though I'm pretty sure I bought a knitting book too. Yeah, I know, it's terrible that I can't remember.

I also made another purchase from knitpicks, but this time it's all pre-wound into handy little balls. Does anyone know if they'll do that for you? Because the best I can do at home it stretch the hank of yarn across two chairs and pray. 

I'm just about done with the baby knitting for Shawna. She wants me to make two extra pair of booties that are a little bit longer, so that they last a couple of months. I feel like a terrible person, but I kind of wanted to toss the yarn at her when she said that. I mean, I know those booties aren't huge or anything, but baby feet aren't that big! They probably will last two or three months, but oh well. What's one more pair of booties, right? At least until I can get started on the angel dress for little bird, that has booties with it too. Hopefully by then I won't hate knitting little shoes.

It's Monday, and so far, I still haven't heard from the Priest. I did call the Cathedral to find out when RCIA classes started. I'd really rather not go that route because I hate causing trouble for other people (i.e. my boss) but at the same time, maybe the difficulty I've been having is God's way of telling me to go to the classes. 

Anyway, that's it for right now, I'll be back on later, as usual.
Yours always,