Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Knit, purl, and juggle needles

Knitting socks on double points.

Sorry, let me be more specific.

Knitting socks with cables on double points.

I'm also having to read a chart (properly! not the way I do when I knit squares for Little Bird's blanket) and use my row-counter!

So far, I have the cuff, and about two inches of the leg done on one of my yellow socks. It's actually been fairly easy thus far, but I haven't even gotten started on the heel and let's be honest, that's the entire reason I haven't tried doing this earlier. Books just say "turn the heel" and yeah, that should probably be a bit obvious, but I'm teaching myself! Have I mentioned how thankful I am for youtube?

I'll probably be working on these socks tonight, tomorrow, and part of Saturday. Which isn't really bad. And these are a bit more complicated than what I have planned for the men in my life, so those should take less time.

Well, except H's. The kid has feet like Big-foot! I feel completely justified in calling him Sasquatch!

Friday I'm going to try a different parish, see how I like it, and Sunday I'll be going to the one I'd planned on attending today, God willing.

I'm not a very patient person, so this waiting is driving me crazy. If I need to talk to my boss, I'd like to find out as soon as possible.

Another reason I'm so impatient is because I have questions, and no one to ask! I need information! I'm curious! Have you ever seen a book-worm when she can't get the information she needs? It's not pretty! Sadly, I have limited access to the library due to my schedule and proximity, plus, a limited budget (and more books than I have room for already!) means I can't just go out and buy every book that looks interesting!

"But Tara," you ask, "don't you have friends who are Catholic?"

Technically, yes. But the one (who shall hence-forth be known exclusively as my sister, regardless of biology or legality) lives miles and miles away and can't always pick up the phone. She's also a little scatter-brain and forgets to call me back for months at a time. The other is, well, she says she's a wiccan. Given her personality and staunch defense of the church when people are being ignorant, I generally interpret that as "I'm hurt, and upset, and need some time before I head home", if that makes any sense at all. She also has two small children who need her time far more than I do. And that's it. That's pretty much the extent of it.

Truly, this isn't surprising. In a world with roughly 7.8 billion people, I only have 5 that I consider close friends. I'm not exactly Ms. Social-butterfly.

Not that I don't want more friends, but talking to people isn't exactly my forte. I'm the person that says "Excuse me" five times and still isn't heard.

I guess I could always ask Shawna, but given that she converted to Baptist (hence how I know her) that probably won't help me any.

She's the one I was making the baby booties for. She's nice enough, but she's more outgoing than I am, and tends to be a little more...normal than I am.

Not that there's anything wrong with normal, I'm just not it. I mean, when you consider the fact that my idea of the perfect day is sitting in bed, with a good book, a cup of tea, a movie on stand-by, some knitting in case I need a break from reading, and anything from the Top 40 Countdown to Gregorian chants playing just loud enough to be heard over the pouring opposed to a lot of people my age who pack the clubs down-town on Friday and Saturday see where I *might* have a hard time interacting with my peers.

Sure, there are other people out there like me, but the problem is that they're like me! Which means that we're all standing against the wall, trying to make ourselves as small and unnoticeable as humanly possible, spending large amounts of time inside, and reveling in how easy the internet makes it to find what we want without having to leave home.

"But Tara, you love to travel!"
And this, gentle reader, is the strange part. The more people I'm traveling with, the less I enjoy it, and the more I act like my normal self. But if it's just me and one, maybe two other people, I am Indiana Jones! Bold, adventurous, and unstoppable!

Ah well, maybe sometime in the near future, I'll be able to go back to Europe for a while. I never did make it to Wittenberg, and I'd like to visit the UK (and maybe see the Loch Ness Monster?).

Until tomorrow, dear readers,