I've just been forgetting things left and right and it's getting ridiculous! Okay, so, first thing first, I almost forgot to place the order for the parts of the chaplet for Our Lady Star of the Sea that I have planned. Then, I forgot to tell you guys how mass with L went on Sunday. And then, to top it off, as I was leaving for work I forgot my water bottle, my plate, and a fork! How ridiculous is that?
Thankfully, I've remembered to cancel my subscriptions to ancestry.com and idisciple. I was using idisciple for the daily reading, but I have a free app, Laudate, that has the daily reading, the rosary, and more. I still have Netflix and Catholic Answers Live, but that's about it. Next month, my phone bill goes up by $5 when I switch from my mom's contract to prepaid. I'm not too worried about it. Other than getting my front end alignment fixed on Friday, and some bronze chain and jump rings for the chaplet, I don't have anything else to purchase.
I'm not sure if I want to keep my Amazon Prime account. I don't use it very often, mainly because I buy the absolute cheapest one possible, which is often not the Amazon Prime option. I made use of it this time, mainly because the books I wanted, The Protestant Dilemma, The Bad Catholic's Guide (all three of them) and Rediscovering Catholicism were all just as cheap to buy the Prime version as to buy the lowest price and then add shipping. I also got Vampire Knits and Monty Python and the Holy Grail.
I love Monty Python. It's a guilty pleasure that I enjoy, especially with a little alcohol involved. Not that it need alcohol, it's hilarious without it, but a little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men.
Oh! I'm a terrible person, I'm sure! So, about a month ago I made a Guinness Chocolate Cheesecake (it didn't cook quite long enough, giving the center a more pudding like texture) and it tasted great. But that's not the terrible part. The terrible part is what I was so so so tempted to do!
See, my mother's church does Sunday school on Sunday evenings, and in each class there is food. And they like to spring it on you to bring something, little to no advanced warning, unless they remember to put out the sign up sheet (and even then...). So I had the absolutely terrible idea (though I didn't follow through) to take the cheese cake to church, and when asked what it is, to say "Guinness Chocolate Cheesecake". Now, given the nature of Southern Baptists, there would be someone who would comment on the sinfulness of alcohol, to which I would respond "Candy is dandy but liquor is quicker!" (thank you Mr. Willy Wonka!)
Thankfully, I never did that, but it was really tempting! I could just imagine the looks on their faces! I can also count on one hand the number that would laugh at it! Even the fun loving ones can be so uptight sometimes! I guess that's just people for you though.
Anyway! Sunday mass with L. We went to the second service they offer, and sat fairly close to the back. Thankfully we had the pew to ourselves, so there was no shuffling and tripping when it came time for the Eucharist (we just stayed where we were, given that neither of us are Catholics), and we weren't so far back we didn't have kneelers. My knees were still killing me though, but that's because I walked to a low table Saturday.
But anyway, we fumbled along as best we could, I more so than her because I actively try to participate, and she was content with just sitting when they sat and kneeling when they kneeled and so on. It was good though. It was nice to have her go with me.
I slipped up though! I generally tell people that I have no desire to marry and have children, largely because I'm not looking, not because I'm not interested. And the more someone says that I'll change my mind, the louder I say it. Truth is, I wouldn't mind getting married and having kids. And unfortunately I slipped up and let her know that. Damn! I did swear her to secrecy though (and that goes for all of you as well, dear readers!) so it shouldn't go any further than that. I'll slip up with the rest of my friends eventually, but right now....eh.
I know I said I'd wait until Wednesday, but I'm really tempted to just call the Cathedral tomorrow, and if they don't have a priest who can work with me, then sign up for the RCIA classes and talk to my boss about changing the schedule in September. I'm not a patient person, truthfully.
I'm planning on going to mass Friday, but honestly, I'm a little nervous. I've been to weekday mass, and Sunday mass, but I'm pretty sure that this is going to be a little more if that makes sense. Hopefully there will be something in the Let us Keep the Feast books to give me an idea of what to expect.
I've got one baby hat done. Tomorrow I'll try to knock out the other one, and hopefully I'll be able to get the striped one done on Wednesday. If all goes well, then Thursday I'll start on a new pair of booties. I still have a pair of mittens too though. One more thing I'd almost forgotten.
I really want to get started on my Christmas knitting.
Good night, dear readers, I'll talk to you in the morning.
Yours always,