So, I didn't make it to mass this morning. My mom and I had already planned on going to Whole Foods today, but we didn't decide on a time until last night. I might have been able to make mass, and then go, but I didn't want to risk it.
It was nice though, just to spend time with my mom. Little Bird is apparently quite active, so Mom was grumbling a bit (I would be to, though, if I had tiny limbs digging into my internal organs), but on the whole, she was good. Apparently she tires out easier with this pregnancy than when she had my brothers or I. It's because of her age, but she doesn't like hearing that.
I've got some laundry and such still left to do, as well as prepping for work tomorrow. I always struggle to accomplish anything on days like today though. The weather is so nasty and wet and all I want to do is sleep. It's a bit of a pain, honestly.
I've been waiting for my packages to arrive. I've got three books and some yarn coming. I'm so excited! Especially since the yarn is for the socks I was wanting to make. I usually have pretty good luck with shipping times, so I might get something tomorrow. I won't know until I get home from work, but I might get something.
Also, is anyone else freaking out over the trailer for the upcoming Hobbit movie, The Hobbit: The Battle of Five Armies? I'm so excited! And vaguely terrified! I'm not ready for my favorite characters to die/be injured/be emotionally damaged! And, dear readers, I know exactly which ones will kick the bucket.
Well, possibly. There was a rumor floating around that one of them might be spared. I doubt it, but I wouldn't mind at all.
Tomorrow I'll have more to say, I'm sure. Oh! And tomorrow I'm going to do a post about a randomly generated saint! I love history, and the stories of the saints, so it should be lots of fun!
Yours always,