So, in my post on Wednesday, I mentioned that, after being advised to do so by the priest, I had started going up for a blessing. On a whim, I decided to search the practice online tonight. Enter my confusion! It seems that this practice is fairly new, and, while currently under review, is generally held, by the officials in charge, as being a malpractice that should cease.
I can kind of understand why it started, and I can kind of understand why, according to those in charge, it should stop, but honestly, I'm so confused about the entire thing! You know, dear readers, that I like having my proverbial ducks in a row, so confusion and I are not good friends. I'm now left wondering what I should do! I'm not sure whether to follow the advice of the priest (whom I've yet to hear back from) or follow the (not yet official) stance of Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments! It's not a big deal tomorrow since we're going to the cathedral, I'll just stay in the pew as I did before, but if I start going to the other parish, I'm not sure what to do.
Any thoughts from you, dear readers?
I'm hoping the priest will get back to me before Wednesday, otherwise I'll call. If I still don't get anywhere, I'll start calling around.
Anyway, just thought I'd post that, maybe see if anyone wants to weigh in.
Yours always,