Saturday, August 2, 2014

I think I need more beads, don't you?

It's Saturday morning and I'm already at work. It's going to be a long, dull day. With any luck, I'll finish my first sock, and be able to move swiftly into working on the next one.

I'm also hoping some of my books will arrive. We've already discussed how impatient I can be.

I need to get some white cloisonne beads for a rosary I've got planned. I also need to get the center piece and the crucifix while I'm at it.

Which reminds me, I'm making a St. Dymphna chaplet for my sister. She's been struggling with depression for several years now. I wish I could be there to help her more, but she lives in Maryland, and I do not. I was thinking that the chaplet might help, if only by serving as a reminder that some one loves her. I've got the beads all ready, I just need to get the medal and possibly a center piece. Does any one have any suggestions?

The weather has started to cool off here, for which I am incredibly grateful. I'm not a fan of extreme temperatures, which makes summer and winter both fairly miserable. Thankfully, autumn is coming up soon, and it'll be cool enough for sweaters with out being cold enough for three sweater (people up North are laughing at me, I'm sure) and there will be pumpkin flavored everything! I love autumn.

Spring is good too, of course, but autumn is coming up, and spring is a ways off.

I'm honestly a bit nervous about meeting with the priest on Tuesday. I know I shouldn't be, logically, but meeting new people isn't really my forte. I mean, you should have seen me the one time I went to a counselor about the tension between my mother and I! I was fidgeting like Batty from Fern Gully! Well, okay, maybe not that bad, but still!

About lunch time I'll post today's randomly generated saint. You'll have to let me know what you think of it, dear readers.

Anyway, until then I remain,
Sincerely yours,