Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Feverish knitting and up-coming baby showers

Coming up very shortly, my mom is having a baby shower, courtesy of her friends. The following Sunday, she has another one, courtesy of her church. I have nothing held in reserve for either of these showers, but have already said I will attend the first. (I might skive out on the second, or buy some felt and make a birdie baby mobile or something.) However for this up-coming shower, I am frantically attempting to finish a baby blanket.

Not the giant patchwork afghan that I'm making that I hope to have finished before her first birthday at the latest. But I have, instead, started a new blanket to hopefully finish this week. Of course, rather than do the sane thing, that is, pull out the circulars and knit it in one big piece, I'm working it in several pieces. Several cabled pieces.

Basically this blanket will be a great big cable sampler that will wrap Little Bird up all snug and give me all sorts of practice on needle juggling. So far I've made four of the as yet unspecified number of panels and have used the honeycomb cable, the Stag horn cable, and the chunky braid.

I have about six colors in play, primarily in blue, with cream, tan, and silver. I'm going for an ocean feel. Besides, those are the colors my mother prefers.

I can't believe I'm defending my color choices on here. No body cares! Except apparently a lot of people care and I think it's ridiculous!

Anyway, it goes with out saying that my socks have been put on hold for an undetermined period of time until I finish.

Yours always,

p.s. I've been having a hard time getting to sleep lately. Any one have any suggestions?