So I wasn't able to post yesterday due to not having a computer available. I spent the entire morning with Aunt D, which was lovely, and then went to work, expecting to use the computer there as I normally do. No dice.
Some idjit had put in the wrong password enough times that the computer locked us all out. Until Tech comes out and fixes it, we're S.O.L.
So I brought my personal laptop today. This has the added benefit of having my kindle app on it (since I don't have an e-reader) and all my bookmarked web-pages.
Next Tuesday, the same day RCIA classes start, I'm supposed to drive with Aunt D to her old place (about 5 hrs. away) to pick up her stuff. We're going to attend noon mass at her old parish, and then head back, arriving with (hopefully) an hour to spare before class-time. I like to be early. But anyway, other than making sure Baby has all her fluids where they should be and checking her tires, she should be all ready to go. It's not quite time for another oil change, and I just got the front-end alignment fixed (with tire-rotation), so like I said, we shouldn't have any problems.
I went to the doctor today. Nothing to bad, no worries. She thinks I might have acid re-flux and basically told me to cut back on everything I enjoy in life. I'm kidding, it's not that bad. She did advise I cut back on the sodas (I didn't have the heart to tell her I've already cut my consumption by more than half. I went from going through a 12-pack in 4 days to going through one in two weeks. Progress has been made) and also to take it easy on spicy foods (I refuse to give up Indian food) and fats (she couldn't possibly mean my shepherd's pie). Truthfully, everything she told me I already knew and have already started working on, despite my jests.
Of course, as with any visit, they're doing some tests, just to verify that everything is, indeed, fine. Fech!
I'm reminded why I don't go to see doctors unless I absolutely have to. So many tests and so many ridiculous questions. I spent fifteen minutes answering the questions in the paper work I filled out!
Oh well, Que sera sera.
I bought a few new e-books recently. Thankfully Amazon has a kindle app for computers, since it will likely be a while before I give in an buy any sort of e-reader. I had a tablet, but I could never quite get it to work to my liking, so it was retired.
I've got just about everything for the music boxes. I just need to grab a few pieces of sturdy scrapbook paper and a stapler that I can lay flat. Well, that's all I need to do the one for Little Bird. I still need another set of lights and a small celtic cross to go inside mine. I'm really pleased with the lights. They came in today and are just the right size, really bright, and operated by a small battery pack. In all, I'm thrilled.
I might still check the craft store while I'm there though, just in case they have anything better there.
Anyway, that's all there is to tell for now. I'm back down to 36 hrs because of the RCIA, but I'm hoping I can pick up Saturdays in the future, and even so, I'll still be doing pretty well. I'll buy the yarn for mom's socks soon, and probably P's as well. H and Step-dad are both getting plain grey socks, so that won't be hard, and as soon as Little Bird is born I'll get started on the dress. Hopefully Granma's shawl won't be too hard, and I've already got more than enough yarn for the advent calender.
I'm hoping to open an Etsy store following the holidays, where I'll sell rosaries and chaplets, and maybe music boxes too. We'll see how it all works out. Look for more info in the future!
Yours always,