I decided, looking at my progress and looking at how far I had still to go, that I would not be able to finish this blanket before the baby shower, though I should still have it finished before Little Bird is born....assuming she goes to term, that is. Therefore the new project is the music box. While this project does have some unique challenges of it's own, I'm fairly confident that I can get this finished by Sunday evening. I've got the music box movement, the book box, the little toy dragons, plenty of cardboard to hide the movement, and some nice paper to make the whole thing look a little more polished.
However, it occurred to me that it might be a tad bit dark inside the box, so I decided to look for a set of small, battery operated led string lights to illuminate it. It took forever to find a set that didn't cost a ridiculous amount and that would arrive before Saturday! I kept finding 7' and 3 meter sets. I need three feet not thirty feet! Ridiculous. Of course, now I have to borrow one of my mom's staplers which lays flat (so I can staple them in.) I also will probably do that with the little dragon that's going to be hanging from the top of the book, along with a little dab of hot glue, just to make sure he doesn't fly out of the box.
I have four or five little dragons and a tiny bird to go inside. I haven't even started on mine, but that's okay. I don't think mine's going to be as labor intensive. I've made backgrounds to go inside the boxes, and I'll measure tomorrow to make sure I size them just right before I print them.
Aunt D called me yesterday to let me know that, due to some up-coming event, our parish is only holding mass in the afternoons. I sort of already previous plans, so no mass today. I don't like that, not one bit, but I'll be going tomorrow, and that's what's important. Missing mass really does irritate me though. I like morning mass. It starts the day off nicely.
Of course, as mentioned in various posts, the holidays approach swiftly, and already I've begun to pace myself because if I don't, I'll burn out before the season even gets here, and then be even more of a Grinch than I naturally am. (Think about it, a largely introverted individual during the holiday season....yeah, nope.) I'm hoping that I can get this blanket off the needles and get my mother's Christmas gift on, then do Stepda's, and H's before Little Bird is born. Hopefully I can get P's knocked out too. I also have Granma's (which will take longer) and Hazel's. L's, Cas', and K's. Lots of knitting, very little time, and knitting burn out on the horizon. Here's praying that I'll finish it all.
I also have a stocking, an advent calender and all it's little ornaments, my socks, and a shawl that I'd really like to make!
It's enough to drive a gal mad!
Yours always,