Monday, July 28, 2014

Thank You Mother Mary, St. Patrick, and St. Anne!

So, the conversation with my mother went far better than I had hoped! While I can never see my mother even considering converting, she took the news that I was considering it far better than I had thought she would.

Maybe because she's pregnant?

I've been thanking God, His Son, and Mother Mary, as well as the (fairly long) list of saints whose intersession I requested ever since lunch time. It is an incredible weight off of my mind. I truly thought that she would blow up.....or have a melt down.

I know it sounds like I'm not giving my mother any credit, but my mother is an incredibly emotional person. She doesn't grumble, she rages! A bit of a terrifying thing for her daughter, you know?

Still no luck on finding a priest to help me. I'd attend the RCIA classes in a heart beat, but I work on weeknights, so that just isn't going to happen. And, of course, they don't have morning, or Friday classes. Life, it seems, can never be simple.

If worst comes to worst, I can always talk to my boss. Maybe work Friday in exchange for having a weeknight off. I'd rather not though, I hate causing trouble for other people. 

If no one has called me back by Thursday, I'm going to try calling again. I also plan on checking out a parish a little closer to home. Since I started going to mass, I've been going to the Cathedral of St. John the Baptist in Savannah, which is close enough to not be a ridiculous drive, but is still farther away than is really practical for a 20-something making minimum wage. Thankfully I don't have many expenses.

I'm not really looking forward to it though. I really do love going to the cathedral, even if I do feel as though I'm too loud every time I enter. A side-effect of six years spent in Germany, I think. 

Besides, I hate being the new person at a church. Hence, weekday mass. Wednesday morning will probably be when I go. Hopefully, there won't be a lot of people. 

Being shy is like being Tony Stark in your head, and Castiel in real life. (why yes, I do watch Supernatural, occasionally.) 

On a different note, due to my mother's pregnancy, my knitting of late has all been for an exceptionally small person. On one hand. I'm thrilled....on the other, I'm terrified! I've never knitted sweaters! Cardigans! Dresses! I've only just gotten confident enough to try socks! Dear readers, I've been knitting for ten years, and never once made a pair of socks. 

I do have a lovely pair planned though, so here's keeping our fingers crossed, yes?

If all goes well, the men in my life (father, step-father, and brothers) will all be getting socks for Christmas. 

And, dear readers, they will like it!

Your's always,