I love going to mass in the mornings.
Of course, this love will probably be slightly lessened during the winter, when I'm struggling to keep warm, even while wearing four or more layers, but even so.
It's not the weather that makes it enjoyable, after all.
I love the quiet, the peace of it all. And the fact that there aren't as many people there. What can I say? Crowds and I do not work well together.
Probably because I'm short, and people attempt to step on me.
I ended up going to the cathedral this morning. I couldn't find out when the more local parish held mass, and given that I wasn't exactly sure where they were, I figured it was best to go where I knew. Turned out for the best anyway. I drove by them on my way home, to make sure that I knew, for future reference, where they were. Didn't see anything about weekday mass services at all. Just Saturday, Sunday, and Holy Days.
I might still go on Sunday, since it is closer, but I really do enjoy morning mass on Wednesdays.
This is the second week I've gotten up early to go to mass on Wednesday. Brings my grand total of attendances to four. It seems like I've been more frequently, though that's probably because of how often I've stopped by the cathedral.
I keep hoping I'll hear from someone soon. I enjoy going to mass, but I feel a little out of place. There's a lot about it that I don't know, or don't understand. What I wouldn't give for a primer!
Ideally, it would be a smallish book, something easy to travel with. Inside, it would include church etiquette, mass structure, prayers, greetings and responses, titles and a basic job description, common terms (candidate, diocese, ect), and an FAQ section.
I know, a lot of info to try and squeeze into a tiny book, but still! I'm not asking for the Vatican library! (although, as any good bibliophile and history lover, I do have the greatest admiration for the keepers of that truly spectacular collection)
Like I said, it'd be nice to have a pocket reference guide.
I need to pick up another skein of the yellow yarn I bought yesterday, and then I'm taking a break from baby knitting to try socks! It's a top down pattern, same as the Irish Ale socks. I figured it'd be a good way to practice.
Yours always,