Why is it so darn hot in this state! I mean, okay, I'm glad we don't get snow every winter and generally have fairly mild weather during the colder months, but it's October! It's not supposed to be hot enough to wear tank tops and shorts!
My friend who was going to model for me was unable to make it do to family business (which I totally understand) but I still took some photos of the jewelry I've made, as well as the St. Patrick Chaplet and the Pieta rosary which I finished earlier. The pictures, as far as I know thus far, turned out pretty well, lot of lovely natural light and some pretty decent backdrops. The weather was miserable and I was half way through taking pictures and sweating like a pig.
I like cooler weather. I like sweaters and cardigans and light jackets. I live for that! This is getting ridiculous.
In other news, I got part of my Halloween costume (which is actually useless since I will most likely be working that night) yesterday. The costume is supposed to be Grace O'Malley, the pirate queen of Ireland (my friends, if they read this, will be laughing at me, I assure you) and so requires a yellow chemise with a green over dress as would have been common for a woman of her status at the time. I got the idea for it from takebackhalloween.org which has a lot of really great ideas for home made costumes that aren't skimpy.
This has several positives. One: on the off chance I do actually get the chance to dress up for Halloween, my costume won't be revealing, and won't be flimsy and cheap. Two: Chemise have a myriad of uses, not the least of which is layers (which are brilliant when it gets colder) and really comfy nightgowns. Finally, three: It gives me an excuse to buy "period pieces". What can I say, I like really old clothes. Largely because they cover lots of skin.
Also on my agenda of things to figure out, I'd like to learn to pray the rosary in Irish Gaelic. This will most likely prove to be a tad bit difficult. There aren't a lot of audio files, I don't know anyone who speaks Gaelic (besides the Monsignor that is) and I haven't actually started learning the language yet. (One lullaby for my sister in no way counts). So, on top of the million other things I have, I want to do that as well.
I must have lost my mind.
Anyway, coming up Saturday is the feast of St. Francis of Assisi (which sounds interesting) and Sunday there's going to be a dinner in the square at the Cathedral. I'm looking forward to it a lot, which is a little out of character. I'm not really a social person, but at the same time, I think it'll be fun. Hopefully it will turn out well. I will definitely do a post on Saturday, because I missed last week (no complaints there, Little Bird, tiny though she is, is doing rather well) so barring a crisis, we will have a Saturdays with the Saints post.
See you tomorrow!
Yours always,